SADC TCCA MEETING: 9-10 May 2024

The Eswatini Qualification Authority participated in a SADC Technical Committee for Certification and Accreditation (TCCA)meeting held in Johannesburg from the 9th to 10th May 2024.

The TCCA is a group of experts from the 16 SADC Member States mandated by the SADC Ministers of Education to oversee the implementation of the SADC Qualifications Framework, which plays a key role in setting the regional standard for comparing qualifications obtained in SADC, thereby enabling easier movement of learners and workers across the SADC region and internationally. This meeting is a result of a number of action points that were resolved during a meeting of Ministers of Education and Science and Technology held in 2022.

 The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • Gather updates from SADC Member States on NQFs, RPL, CATS and other related developments;
  • Outline a roadmap for the SADCQF (2023-2026): state of play and way forward. Micro-credentials. Common profiles of qualifications;
  • Deliberate on the cooperation of SADC and Member States with ACQF-II
    • report and way forward.
    • Qualifications and Credentials Platform.
    • New African Network of NQFs.
    • International workshops in 2024;  
  • Validate the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) -SADCQF comparison report