2nd Continental “Forum of the institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks''

Theme: National Qualifications frameworks (NQFs)of new generation, referencing to African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF), quality assurance of NQFs and Green NQFs.
  • When Sep 05, 2024 to Sep 06, 2024 (Africa/Johannesburg / UTC200)
  • Where Luanda, Angola
  • Attendees Representatives of African countries and regions, national institutions and experts and partner organisations and countries. Angola, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, DR Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe
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The ACQF-II project was launched in April 2023 to support the implementation of ACQF as a continental policy instrument, contributing to transparency, comparability and recognition of qualifications, collaboration between NQFs, promotion of lifelong learning, and support to Member States in the development of NQFs and related policies.

This 2nd NQF Forum is part of the programme of training, dialogue and peer-to-peer sharing forums organised by the ACQF-II project in 2024. This forum addresses policies and practices on the following themes: evolving qualification frameworks; digitization of qualifications management; referencing between NQFs and ACQF; recognition of prior learning (RPL); credit accumulation and transfer systems; micro-credentials; greening of qualifications and NQFs; the ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform; the Network of NQFs Africa.